Ahma & Alan (short film) Finishes it's Festival Run

If you've been keeping track of "Ahma & Alan" instagram here, you know that a lot has happened since the last October update. We've been honored to be a part of these festivals:

October 2020

November 2020

December 2020

  • Asian Web Awards our lead actress Mei-Hou Wu won the Best Actress Award for a short film. Here's the acceptance speech:

...And we were considered for these festivals:

August 2020

March 2021

As of April 2021, we're officially wrapped for our festival run! Thank you so much to everyone that has supported us thus far.

If you’re a backer of the film, you should’ve received a link to watch the whole film by now.

We're eventually planning to do a public online release in the near future, check our Instagram and/or Facebook to keep updated!

Much love and we hope you can see the film soon.

- James Y. Shih